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please help me with this java program

Envoyé: 13 juillet 2005, 13h45 par RogerGarnier

Submission: By the above deadline submit all your CW files to WebCT.

Program Specification

Develop a Java program to manage a mailing list for contributors to a charity. Your program should have the following commands available from a menu:-

Add Add a new contributor to the mailing list.
Sort Sort the names of the contributors into alphabetic order.
Delete Delete a contributor, and all associated information, from the mailing list.
Display display a contributor, according to their name, and display all of the data associated with the contributor.
Total Add up all of the contributions given to the charity provided by the mailing list contributors and display the total.

The java program also has two functions:

a) For each contributor, store their name, address, postcode, telephone number and the amount contributed into a text file of records.

b) Read the text file and display all the information.

Your name and ID number should be shown at the beginning of the program (using comments).

Submit your all Java program (Java source code), text file and Word documentation file via WebCT. The requirements on the Word documentation are as follows.

Word documentation

The word documentation should include:

1. A structure chart showing the design of your program, with suitable comments.
2. The operating instructions to load and run your program.
3. The test plan with the test data used to validate the program and a description of the actual results obtained.
4 A list of the program source code.
5 Your name and ID number should be shown in the first page of documentation.

Assessment Criteria

The marks for this assessment assignment will be based on the following assessment criteria:

Criteria Max. Mark
Working version of the program, completed all tasks - using methods, event driven programming, exception and writing/reading a text file 50%
Documentation quality (such as a structure chart, operating instructions, test plan and results) 20%
Program layout and comments 10%
Program user interface 20%
Total 100%

What you need to submit:
1. Word documentation to explain your course work.
2. All Java program source code and the text file java program created.


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