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Galerie photo dans repertoire

Envoyé: 27 juin 2006, 7h38 par jkojo

Bonjour, j'ai adaptée une gallerie photo avec un classement par page à mon site, et celle ci va chercher les fichiers dans un repertoire precis. vous trouverez la gallerie à cette adresse :

Ma gallerie fonctionne bien mais la derniere photo ajoutée se trouve à la derniere page. J'aimerais que le classement s'effectue par date de creation , du la plus recente à la plus ancienne ...

Ci dessous le code source, merci pour le coup de main :


' PhotoAlbum

Dim CurFile, PopFileShowSub, ShowPic, PictureNo
Dim strPathInfo, strPhysicalPath

Dim intTotPics, intPicsPerRow, intPicsPerPage, intTotPages, intPage, strPicArray()
intPicsPerRow = 3
intPicsPerPage = 6

intPage = CInt(Request.QueryString("Page"))
If intPage = 0 Then
intPage = 1
End If

CurFile = "PhotoAlbum.asp"
PopFile = "ShowPicture.asp"
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<script language="JavaScript">
function jumppage(sel)
var i = sel.selectedIndex
self.location.href = sel.options[i].value
// -->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- hide from JavaScript-challenged browsers
function openGalleryWindow(url) {
if (document.all)
var xMax = screen.width, yMax = screen.height;
if (document.layers)
var xMax = window.outerWidth, yMax = window.outerHeight;
var xMax = 800, yMax=600;
var xOffset = (xMax - 200)/2, yOffset = (yMax - 200)/2;
var xOffset = 100, yOffset = 100;

popupWin =,'new_page','width=700,height=535,screenX='+xOffset+',screenY='+yOffset+',top='+yOffset+',left='+xOffset+',scrollbars=auto,toolbars=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes')
// done hiding -->

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1">

<td align="center" width="25%">
<form action=<%=PopFile%> method="POST">
<font face="<%= strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>" color="<% =strBaseFontColor %>">

ShowSub = request("ShowSub")
ShowPic = request("ShowPic")
strPathInfo = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strPathInfo)

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath)
Set objFolder = objFile.ParentFolder
Set objFolderContents = objFolder.Files
For each Folder in objFolder.SubFolders
If Left(Folder.Name,1)<>"_" Then
'Response.write "<option "
If ShowSub=Folder.Name Then
'Response.Write "selected "
End if
'Response.Write"value='" & CurFile & "?ShowSub="
'Response.Write(Replace(Folder.Name, " ", "%20"))
'response.write "'>"
'Response.Write(Folder.Name & "</option>")
If ShowSub <= " " Then
ShowSub = Folder.Name
End if
End if
Set objFSO = Nothing

If ShowPic > " " then
ShowPic = Replace(ShowPic, " ", "%20")
Response.Write "<a href='JavaScript:history.go(-1)'><img src='" & ShowPic & "'><BR><BR><font face=""verdana"" size=""1""><b>Go Back</b></a>"
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#000000" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1">
strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(".\" & ShowSub)
If ShowSub > " " then
ShowSub = Replace(ShowSub, " ", "%20")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strPhysicalPath)
Set objFolderContents = objFolder.Files

'Get the number of pictures in the subdirectory
intTotPics = 0
For Each objFileItem in objFolderContents
If Ucase(Right(objFileItem.Name,4))=".GIF" OR Ucase(Right(objFileItem.Name,4))=".JPG" THEN
intTotPics = intTotPics + 1
End if

'Get the total number of pages in the subdirectory
If (intTotPics/intPicsPerPage) = (int(intTotPics/intPicsPerPage)) Then
intTotPages = int(intTotPics/intPicsPerPage)
intTotPages = int(intTotPics/intPicsPerPage)+1
End If
Redim strPicArray(2,intTotPics)

'Store picture file names in an array
x = 0
For Each objFileItem in objFolderContents
If Ucase(Right(objFileItem.Name,4))=".GIF" OR Ucase(Right(objFileItem.Name,4))=".JPG" THEN
strPicArray(0,x) = objFileItem.Name
strPicArray(1,x) = Cstr(int(x/intPicsPerPage)+1)
x = x + 1
End if

'Determine if there are multiple pages and if so, display page numbers.
If intTotPages > 1 Then
Response.Write "<td colspan='" & intPicsPerRow & "' align='center'><font face='Verdana,Arial' size='1'>Page:  "
For x = 1 to intTotPages
If x = intPage Then
Response.Write "</font><font face='Arial' size='2'>" & x & "</font><font face='Arial' size='1'>  "
Response.Write "<a href='PhotoAlbum.asp?Page=" & x & "&ShowSub=" & ShowSub & "'>" & x & "</a>  "
End If
Response.Write "</font></td>"
Response.Write "</tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr>"
End If

For x = 0 to UBound(strPicArray,2)-1
If CInt(strPicArray(1,x)) = intPage Then
ShowPic = Replace(strPicArray(0,x), " ", "%20")
Response.write "<td align='center' valign='top' width='25%'><a href=""Javascript:openGalleryWindow('" & PopFile & "?ShowPic=" & ShowSub & "/" & ShowPic & "')"""
Response.write "<br>"
Response.Write("<img src='" & ShowSub & "/" & strPicArray(0,x) & "' width=150 border=1 style='border-color:#000000'> ")
'Response.Write("<br><font color=""" & strBaseFontColor & """><b>" & Mid(strPicArray(0,x),1,Len(strPicArray(0,x))-4) & "</b></font>")
Response.write "</a></td>" & vbcrlf

PictureNo = PictureNo + 1
If PictureNo=intPicsPerRow Then
Response.write "</tr><tr>"
PictureNo = 0
End if
End If

Set objFSO = Nothing
End if
End if


 sp spRe: Galerie photo dans repertoire Oznog30/6/2006
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